Define your Audience
Sending Type
Define the sending type choosing one option between 3 possibilities:
1. Send Now
Sending the email right now. You can add some recipients manually:
- CC: You can indicate email addresses separated by spaces that will receive a copy of the email.
- BCC: You can indicate email addresses separated by spaces that will receive a hidden copy of the email.
2. Schedule
You can schedule your email and add some recipients manually:
- CC: You can indicate email addresses separated by spaces that will receive a copy of the email.
- BCC: You can indicate email addresses separated by spaces that will receive a hidden copy of the email.
Selecting date and time is easy. Only it is necessary to click and then a calendar appears to choose the data. Then a watch appears to choose the time, please select PM or AM to clarify evening/night or morning, respectively.
3. Enable for Customer Journey
If you select this option, this email campaign will be used in the design of a Customer Journey and its sending will be disabled from this section. Don´t forget to click on the green button below.
Audience type
1. Send to all
The sending of email will be sent to all database.
2. Specific shipment (.CSV)
Click on the the Update .CSV button to upload the file. Once it is uploaded, you are ready to send the email or schedule it.
Mandatory field
The email account is a mandatory field so you can use it as a customer identifier. You can upload a .CSV with the email field and its variables (see example).
If you want to use variables, remember that you also need to upload these fields. For example, to write "Hi [[var:name]]! We have discounts in our [[var:city]]store, are you going to miss them?". The result is "Hi Tom! We have discounts in our Madrid store, are you going to miss them?".
For example, using these fields:
email, name, city, Tom, Madrid, Sarah, London
You can also use your own identifiers (for example, user ID) to create the list in .CSV format. In this case, you must upload the .CSV file with the externalCode field as header (first line) and your identifiers in each of the other lines.
externalCode, name, city, Paul, Madrid, Mary, London
3. Send to contact list
Choose the list of contacts to send your email. Once it is selected, you are ready to send the email or schedule it.
You have created previously the contact list from the Audience tab. We explain in detail how to create contact lists and contacts:
Contact Lists
Contact list for massive mailings by email. On the menu Audience > Email/Contact Lists you can create lists to send your campaigns.
Only you pulse on the New button and write the name for the list and its type, choosing between Email and External Code. Both fields are necessary when you create the new contacts as you can see below.
Once the list is created, then you can add the emails and external codes writing on the field or uploading a .CSV file as the image below shows:
Pulse on New button to create the contacts. You need to fill these fields:
- External Code (this must be a unique identifier for each contact)
- Cancel Subscription: Choose false. When a user is unsubscribed, it appears as true.
Updated 6 months ago