indigitall API Guide

The indigitall data API (Application Programming Interface) gives access to data by using a uniform and predefined set of operations. APIs sit between an application and the web server, acting as an intermediary layer that processes data transfer between systems so you can obtain data from web and app to create events for your campaigns. REST APIs are based on URLs and the HTTP protocol.

indigitall helps you to integrate our console with your platform via API for all channels. It would be done by IT staff attending to these simple instructions: create (POST), update (PUT), read (GET) and remove (DELETE).

Below there are some points for each channel distributed by category. Please look in detail all instructions from here.

AppPush / WebPush


  • Create a campaign in application (POST)
  • Update campaign with the given campaign's id (PUT)
  • Show the list of campaigns for an application (GET)
  • Delete a campaign with the given campaign's id (DELETE)

Encrypted Push

  • Securely send a notification (POST)
  • Get the Server status (GET)


  • Add a picture to the given campaign's id (POST)
  • Upload a video to be used in a campaign (POST)
  • Add an icon to the given campaign's id (POST)


  • Create a new user (POST)
  • Update user with the given id (PUT)
  • Delete a user with the given id (DELETE)
  • Set specific permission to user with given id (POST)
  • Send invitation email to the given email (POST)
  • Send email to the user with reset procedure (POST)
  • Register a new user (POST)


  • Get the application's sending stats (GET)
  • Get the application's sending stats in .CSV format (GET)
  • Gets the sending stats by Id (GET)
  • Show the statistics for the given campaign's id between two dates (GET)
  • Return the statistics associated with a campaign (GET)
  • Return the information associated with a specific campaign stat (GET)



  • Create conversation tag item (POST)
  • Edit an existing conversation tag item (PUT)
  • Create a new form question option (POST)
  • Update a form question option (PUT)
  • Update a form question for an instance (PUT)
  • Delete a form question option (DELETE)
  • Create a new canned message associated with an instance (POST)
  • Edit a canned message associated with an instance (PUT)
  • Delete a canned message associated with an instance (DELETE)
  • Block a list of conversation sessions (POST)
  • Return a list of conversation session blocked in an instance (GET)
  • Multimedia

  • Create multimedia item (POST)
  • Edit an existing multimedia item (PUT)
  • Get a list of all multimedia content (GET)
  • Return a multimedia item (GET)
  • Delete multimedia content (DELETE)
  • Transfer media items stored in one instance to another (POST)


  • Return statistics by date for conversations associated with agent system (GET)
  • Get message history (GET)


  • Create a new webhook item (POST)
  • Edit an existing webhook item (PUT)
  • Return a webhook item (GET)
  • Delete webhook content (DELETE)


  • Register WhatsApp telephone number (POST)
  • Verify WhatsApp telephone number (POST)
  • Change profile info in WhatsApp Channel (PUT)
  • Get profile info in WhatsApp Channel (GET)



  • Create a new attachment (POST)
  • Get attachment information (GET)
  • Delete attachment (DELETE)
  • Get attachments list by campaign (GET)


  • Create a new Audience (POST)
  • Update the info of an audience (PUT)
  • Get a list of contacts from an audience (GET)
  • Delete an existent audience (DELETE)
  • Get audiences list by application (GET)


  • Create new campaign (POST)
  • Update a campaign (PUT)
  • Get a campaign (GET)
  • Delete a campaign (DELETE)
  • Get campaigns list by application (GET)
  • Get the body and the footer of a campaign in HTML format (GET)

Campaign Block

  • Create a new campaign block (POST)
  • Update campaign block (PUT)
  • Get campaign block information (GET)
  • Delete campaign block (DELETE)
  • Get campaigns blocks list by campaign (GET)

Campaign Column

  • Create a new campaign column (POST)
  • Update campaign column (PUT)
  • Get campaign column information (GET)
  • Delete campaign column (DELETE)
  • Get campaign columns list by campaign block (GET)


  • Create a new category (POST)
  • Update category (PUT)
  • Get category information (GET)
  • Delete category (DELETE)
  • Get categories list by application (GET)


  • Create a new Contact (POST)
  • Update contact (PUT)
  • Get contact information (GET)
  • Delete contact (DELETE)
  • Get contacts lists by application (GET)


  • Send the campaign to all contacts (POST)
  • Send the campaign to a contact list (POST)
  • Send the campaign to contact list from a CSV file (POST)
  • Send the campaign to an existent audience (POST)


  • Create a new Footer, adding the unsubscribe link (POST)
  • Update footer (PUT)
  • Get footer information (GET)
  • Delete footer (DELETE)
  • Get footers list by application (GET)


  • Update the information html-campaign data of a campaign with HTML body type (PUT)
  • Get the information html-campaign data of a campaign with HTML body type (GET)


  • Add a multimedia to the given campaign's id (POST)
  • Download multimedia file (POST)
  • Delete the multimedia file with the given campaign id and multimedia id (DELETE)
  • Get list of multimedia to the give campaign's id (GET)


  • Get statistics by application (GET)
  • Get statistics by all sent campaigns between two days (GET)
  • Get statistics by shipment - massives and lists - (GET)
  • Get the total statistics of the specified campaign (GET)



  • Create a new inApp campaign (POST)
  • Update a inApp campaign (PUT)
  • Get data from an inApp campaign (GET)
  • Delete the selected inApp campaign (DELETE)
  • Calculate the number of impacted devices in a inApp (POST)


  • Upload a media element to storage to be used in a campaign (POST)
  • Get list of multimedia elements (GET)
  • Delete a media element that is no longer going to be used (DELETE)


  • Create a new inApp schema for a specific application (POST)
  • Modify the data of the inApp schemas (PUT)
  • Get the inApp schemas list for an application (GET)
  • Delete the inApp schemas of the application (DELETE)


  • Get stats by campaign sendings between two dates (GET)
  • Get stats by campaign sendings between two dates (99 days as a maximum) (GET)
  • Get global stats by application and day between two dates (GET)
  • Get a list of statistics for the selected application, filtered between the dates given (GET)
  • Get a list of statistics for the selected application, all devices, filtered between the dates given (99 days as a maximum) (GET)


  • Add topics and return the new item (POST)
  • Update a topic (PUT)
  • Return a list of topics associated with an application (GET)
  • Delete the topics (DELETE)


  • Edit the inbox settings associated with an application (PUT)
  • Return the configuration of the inbox (GET)

Mobile Wallet


  • Add an image to the given template's id (POST)
  • Add an image to the given template's externalId (POST)


  • Create a new pass (POST)
  • Update a pass (PUT)
  • Get all passes (GET)
  • Delete a pass (DELETE)
  • Create passes from .CSV file (POST)


  • Create a new project (POST)
  • Get one application project (GET)
  • Delete one application project (DELETE)
  • Get all application projects (GET)


  • Get stats for one project by Id (GET)
  • Get stats for one pass by Id (GET)
  • Get stats for one pass by externalId (GET)
  • Get stats for one template by Id (GET)
  • Get stats for one template by externalId (GET)


  • Create a new template (POST)
  • Update a template by id (PUT)
  • Update a template by externalId (PUT)
  • Get one template by id (GET)
  • Get one template by externalId (GET)
  • Get all templates for one project (GET)
  • Delete a template by id (DELETE)
  • Delete a template by externalId (DELETE)



  • Create campaign (POST)
  • Update a campaign (PUT)
  • Get a single campaign (GET)
  • Delete a campaign (DELETE)
  • Get campaign list (GET)


  • Create new contact (POST)
  • Update a contact (PUT)
  • Get a single contact (GET)
  • Delete a contact (DELETE)
  • Get contact list (GET)
  • Bulk create or update the contacts of an application from a JSON (POST)
  • Bulk create or update the contacts of an application from a CSV file (POST)
  • Export all the contacts of the given application to a CSV file (GET)
  • Create contact unsubscription (POST)
  • Get contact unsubscription form (GET)


  • Create new unit cost (POST)
  • Update an existing unit cost (PUT)
  • Delete a unit cost (DELETE)
  • Simulate the unit cost of several sendings (POST)
  • Regenerate cost statistics within a date range (PUT)
  • Create unit costs from a CSV file (POST)


  • Send campaign the specified contacts (POST)
  • Send campaign the specified contacts via .CSV file (POST)
  • Send campaign to all contacts that match the filters (POST)
  • Cancel a scheduled sending (POST)


  • Get stats by campaigns sendings between two dates (GET)
  • Get global stats by application and day between two dates (GET)

Technological Partners


  • Create a new HubSpot User (POST)
  • Update a HubSpot User (PUT)
  • Show HubSpot Integration for the given Id (GET)


  • Create a new Salesforce Service Cloud Integration (POST)
  • Create a new Salesforce User (POST)
  • Update a Salesforce Service Cloud Integration (PUT)
  • Update a Salesforce User (PUT)
  • Show Salesforce Integration for the given Id (GET)
  • Download Salesforce Service Cloud Certificate (GET)


  • Create a new WordPress User (POST)
  • Show WordPress Integrations (GET)