WhatsApp Templates

In this section, you will learn how to create WhatsApp templates that will later be validated by META. indigitall is a Meta Business Partner so the process is easy for all our clients.

Creating templates

  • Go to the principal menu at the left area: Tools/Chat/WhatsApp templates.
whatsapp templates menu
  • Click on the green button at the right area: New Template.
  • A pop-up appears to complete these fields:
new template
  • Name: Choose the name for your template. It is good to write a descriptive title to identify it later.
  • Category: Meta has developed 3 main categories: Marketing, Utility and Authentication. Only you need to choose the most appropriate for your message and then Meta will approve it. Please check all explanation here.
  • Language: Choose the language of your text.

Now we explain the following fields of the content. The maximum file upload size is 64 MB, which means this limit also applies to any image, document, or video you send with a message.

  • Header: You can choose these options:
header menu

Text: 60 characters maximum.

Image: With .jpeg or .png format. Meta doesn't support images with transparent backgrounds.

Document: With .pdf format.

Location: Location headers can only be used in templates categorized as Utility or Marketing. Real-time locations are not supported.

Video: mp4, 3gpp. Only H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec is supported.
Meta supports videos with single audio stream or no audio stream.

  • Body: Text-only component and it is required by all templates. It supports multiple variables with a maximum of 1024 characters.
    The variables for the text are written in this way: {{1}}, {{2}}, {{3}}... Learn how to add variables into text for massive sending and .CSV sending.
  • Footer: It is an optional field that appears immediately after the body component. A maximum of 60 characters.
  • Buttons: Buttons are optional interactive components that perform specific actions when tapped. Templates can have a mixture of up to 10 button components total, although there are limits to individual buttons of the same type as well as combination limits. Please check the guidelines here. Meta has enabled more flexibility of button usage for both Marketing and Utility messages:
    • Combine the Quick Reply and Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons.
    • Include a maximum of 2 URLs from the previous 1 URL.

Quick Reply: Text-only buttons that immediately message you with the specified text string when tapped by the app user. A common use case-case is a button that allows your customer to easily opt-out of any marketing messages.

Phone Call: Phone button numbers call the specified business phone number when tapped by the app user. Business phone numbers have 20 characters maximum.

URL: URL buttons load the specified URL in the device's default web browser when tapped by the app user. The URL of the website supports 1 variable and has 2000 characters maximum.