
The marketers need the analysis of real-time data so we have developed a powerful analytical tool that allows full access to data.


SDKs updates

Customer Journey Statistics may not display correctly for SDKs that do not have at least version [4.12.3] on native iOS and [4.17.3] on Android.

Simplified data analysis

Data analysis

In the Customer Journey area, you can see all statistics of each Customer Journey clicking on the three horizontal dashes icon.

Then you can choose the time interval to see the User Flow and the parameters for each node.

User Flow

The user flow graph indicates how many users have completed the events (nodes) of the Customer Journey. It only shows the users who have entered into Customer Journey between the selected dates.

User flow

Statistics per node

indigitall gives you the following parameters for each event/node. This table only shows the events occurred between the two selected dates:

  • ID: Identifier of the node campaign.
  • Campaign: Name of the node campaign.
  • Campaign type: Channel used for the node.
  • Sent: Number of communications sent.
  • Opened: Number of emails opened by users (SMS and push notifications don't apply).
  • Clicked: Number of communications clicked by users.
  • CTR: Click-through rate is the ratio of users who clicked on it in relation to the number of total communications sent.
  • Platform: It displays an image icon to describe the platform. For example, for the channel of email and SMS, the platform is the same (email icon and SMS icon) while for the push campaign type, the platform changes: Web icon, iOS icon and/or Android icon.

Journey Statistics

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