Best Practices
We suggest including a Quick Reply button in templates marked as MARKETING to simplify the process for customers to opt out of your promotional messages. This feature allows customers to opt out without needing to block your business. By doing so, you may be able to increase your messaging volume more efficiently.
Your business must ensure that marketing messages are no longer sent to customers who have opted out. Failing to comply can harm your block rate and quality score.
Quick Reply Button
Quick reply buttons are text-only buttons that instantly send a predefined text string to you when tapped by the user. A common example is a button that lets customers easily opt out of marketing messages.
Templates can include up to 10 quick reply buttons. If combining quick reply buttons with other button types, they must be grouped into two distinct categories: quick reply buttons and non-quick reply buttons. Incorrect grouping will result in an API error indicating an invalid combination.
- Here are examples of valid groupings:
Quick Reply, Quick Reply
Quick Reply, Quick Reply, URL, Phone
URL, Phone, Quick Reply, Quick Reply
- Examples of invalid groupings:
Quick Reply, URL, Quick Reply
URL, Quick Reply, URL
Opt-Out Experience
To ensure a positive user experience, we recommend optimizing your opt-out process for customers.
- Respect all opt-out requests: Take the necessary steps to immediately stop sending marketing messages to customers who opt out. Failing to do so can harm the customer experience and negatively affect your block rate and quality score. Additionally, ensure that opt-outs are honored across all your WhatsApp phone numbers.
- Send a confirmation message to customers who opt out:
Provide an option for customers to opt back in, making it easy for them to rejoin if they change their minds or opt out by mistake.
Request feedback on why they opted out or what type of content they prefer. This can help you refine your marketing strategies and improve audience targeting.
- Choose the right messages to include the opt-out button: Avoid adding an opt-out button to every message, as this can feel repetitive and might unintentionally encourage customers to opt out. Instead, focus on the following:
The first message a customer receives from your business.
The first message sent after a long period of inactivity.
Messages targeting unengaged customers.
Updated 2 months ago