For the audiences of the Customer Journey, there are two sections: Customer Fields and Customer.
Customer Fields
You can create the appropriate fields associated with your client on the Customer Fields. They will help you define the filters of the Journey, among other things. Go to Audiences/Customer Journey > Customer Fields.
Only it is necessary to click on New to add a new field and definite what type is: String (for words with characters), Number (for numbers) and Datetime (for dates). Please focus on writing the field name as it is written in your CRM or BBDD. Both fields must be identical.
After that, you can upload a .CSV document clicking on the icon of the right side with all your data. Immediately the data is synchronized.
A .CSV file is a document where you can save all your contacts and their corresponding customer fields. Download the example here.
- customerId: The customerId it is unique for each user; it can be an email, passport number or any other unique concept.
- fieldName: The field that you need to add on the customer field area
- fieldValue: The corresponding value for each customer field
In this area, you can see the list of customers associated with this application and you can see their details and edit their customer fields. You need to click on the field you want to edit/delete.
To edit the customer data, the ID and CustomerId are fields that we can´t edit because they are unique identifiers. We can change the customer fields that previously we have added in the customer fields section.
Updated about 1 year ago