In-App Message Templates

InApp utilities

In the event that you want to show the InApp scheme in a different way to how our SDK paints it, we put at your disposal some methods so that you can customize the "painting", without affecting the statistics or the InApp functionalities.

InApp object pickup

indigitall.InApp.getInApp(inAppId, (inApp) =>{    
    //do something
}, (error)=>{
  //log error

Check if the InApp should be displayed
Thanks to the InApp functionalities, it is possible to indicate that the inApp is displayed or pressed a maximum number of times, or if in the case of the popUp, after performing an action , such as pressing the close button, is not shown again. To do this we could do the following within the inAppGet method that we have seen previously:

indigitall.InApp.Utils.inAppWasGot("YOUR_INAPP_CODE", (inApp, error)=>{
    // did expired
}, async (inApp) => {
    // didFound    
}, () =>{
    // notFound
    indigitall.InApp.getInApp(inAppId, (inApp) =>{    
        //do something
    }, (error)=>{
        //log error
}, (inApp, error)=>{
}, (inApp, error) => {
}, (inApp, error)=> {

Actions to count clicks or to not show InApp anymore
For the case of what we call Dismiss Forever, once the action is performed, this method must be called:


  • In this method the statistics of the click are sent, not just the click counter.