

Last Version: 1.10.4

indigitall SDK for chat example clicking here.


Estimated integration time: 10 minutes.

To implement our web chat on your page you need:

  • paste the following code in the main page of your website, just before the end of the tag :


channelKey value is unique and personal.

<script src="../indigitall-web-chat.js"
    channelKey: your_channel_key    
  • your_channel_key is an alphanumeric string that identifies your indigitall project.

  • download .zip and extract its two files to upload them to the main folder of your website.

How to upload files to your server or access them?
You can do it through FTP or from your server's control panel (cPanel, directAdmin, etc) among other ways. Below you will find an explanatory video of the process. In less than 10 minutes, you should have it.

You can ask your hosting provider or your trusted programmer for help by sending these instructions.