Customer Identification

This method allows you to assign the value of the customerId to later use values in the corresponding fields (email, phone number, name, etc).

In case you use our push channel you can use the “push” channel only in case you have not identified the user with the indigitall.logIn() method.

If you do not use our push channel you must assign the value indigitall.Channel.NONE as the second parameter of the function"your_externalID", indigitall.Channel.PUSH, (success) => {
      // do something
    }, (error) => {
      // do something else

On the other hand, if you want to unlink the Customer's account, you have to do the following:

indigitall.unlink(indigitall.Channel.PUSH, (success) => {
      // do something
    }, (error) => {
      // do something else