JUMP TOPLATFORM WIDE FEATURES & BEHAVIORSPlatform FeaturesAndroidInitial SDK SetupSDK IntegrationInitializationTest Your Basic IntegrationCompleting the IntegrationOther SDK CustomizationsPush NotificationsAdvanced SettingsLayout CustomCustomizationIn-App MessagingOverviewIntegrationIn-App Message TemplatesAdvanced SettingsCustomer JourneyIntegrationInitializationCustomizationInboxIntegrationInitializationCustomizationRead & Unread IndicatorsChatIntegrationInitializationCustomizationChangelogAdvanced Use CasesLocalizationLocations & GeofencesAdvanced featuresChangelogFAQiOSInitial SDK SetupSDK IntegrationInstallation MethodCompleting the IntegrationOther SDK CustomizationsPush NotificationsAdvanced SettingsIn-App MessagingOverviewIntegrationIn-App Message TemplatesAdvanced SettingsCustomer JourneyIntegrationInitializationCustomizationInboxIntegrationInitializationCustomizationRead & Unread IndicatorsChatIntegrationInitializationCustomizationChangelogAdvanced Use CasesLocations & GeofencesAdvanced featuresChangelogWebInitial SDK SetupOverviewInstallationSDK Integration - WebCompleting the IntegrationOther SDK CustomizationsWordPress PluginWordPress Use CasesShopify appGoogle Tag ManagerAMP Web PushSafari Web Push on Mobile (iOS/iPadOS)Push NotificationsAdvanced SettingsIn-App MessagesOverviewInstallationIntegrationIn-App Message TemplatesAdvanced SettingsCustomer JourneyInitializationCustomer IdentificationCustomer Creation and UpdateCustom EventsInboxIntegrationInitializationCustomizationRead & Unread IndicatorsChatInitializationCustomizationChangelogAdvanced Uses CasesLocations & GeofencesAdvanced featuresChangelogFAQCordovaInitial SDK SetupOverviewAndroidiOSInitializationCompleting the IntegrationOther SDK CustomizationSDK ValidationPush NotificationsAdvanced SettingsIn-App MessagesOverviewIntegrationIn-App Message TemplatesAdvanced SettingsCustomer JourneyIntegrationInitializationCustomizationInboxIntegrationInitializationCustomizationRead & Unread IndicatorsChatIntegrationInitializationCustomizationChangelogAdvanced Use CasesLocations & GeofencesAdvanced featuresChangelogFAQFlutterInitial SDK SetupOverviewAndroidiOSInitializationCompleting the IntegrationOther SDK CustomizationPush NotificationsAdvanced SettingsIn-App MessagesOverviewIntegrationInApp Message TemplateCustomer JourneyIntegrationInitializationCustomizationInboxIntegrationInitializationCustomizationRead & Unread IndicatorsAdvanced Use CasesLocations & GeofencesAdvanced featuresChangelogReact NativeInitial SDK SetupOverviewAndroidiOSInitializationCompleting the IntegrationOther SDK CustomizationPush NotificationsAdvanced SettingsIn-App MessagesOverviewIntegrationInApp Message TemplatesCustomer JourneyIntegrationInitializationCustomizationInboxIntegrationInitializationCustomizationRead & Unread IndicatorsAdvanced Use CasesLocations & GeolocationAdvanced featuresChangelogMauIInitial SDK SetupOverviewAndroidiOSInitializationCompleting the IntegrationOther SDK CustomizationSDK ValidationPush NotificationsAdvance SettingsLayout CustomIn-App MessagingOverviewIntegrationAndroidiOSIn-App Message TemplateCustomer JourneyIntegrationInitializationCustomizationAdvance Use CasesLocations & GeofencesAdvanced featuresChangelogXamarinInitial SDK SetupOverviewAndroidiOSInitializationCompleting the IntegrationOther SDK CustomizationSDK ValidationPush NotificationsAdvance SettingsLayout CustomIn-App MessagingOverviewIntegrationIn-App Message TemplatesCustomer JourneyIntegrationInitializationCustomizationAdvance Use CasesLocations & GeofencesAdvanced featuresChangelogFAQIonic & CapacitorInitial SDK SetupOverviewAndroidiOSInitializationCompleting the IntegrationOther SDK CustomizationSDK ValidationPush NotificationsAdvanced SettingsIn-App MessagesOverviewIntegrationIn-App Message TemplatesAdvanced SettingsInboxIntegrationInitializationCustomizationRead & Unread IndicatorsCustomer JourneyIntegrationInitializationCustomizationAdvanced Use CasesLocations & GeofencesAdvanced featuresChangelogTitaniumInitial SDK SetupOverviewAndroidiOSInitializationCompleting the IntegrationOther SDK CustomizationSDK ValidationPush NotificationsAdvanced SettingsInboxIntegrationInitializationCustomizationRead & Unread IndicatorsAdvanced Use CasesLocations & GeolocationAdvanced featuresChangelogAPI GUIDEindigitall API GuideINDIGITALL API v1statusGets the Server statusgetauthAuthorize a user and returns a TOKENpostAuthorize an user wich 2FA is enabled and returns a TOKENpostRefresh short lived JWT and TOTP codegetusersCreate a New UserpostList of Users for an account datagetShow User for the given idgetUpdate user with the given idputDelete a user with the given iddeleteAdd image to user profilepostSet specific permission to user with given idpostDelete specific permission from user with given iddeleteSends invitation email to the given emailpostSends email to the user with reset procedurepostShow list of roles assignable to usersgetRegisters a new userpostChanges user passwordpostapplicationGet a list of dates that have files with statistics.getCreate a new inApp SchemapostObtains the necessary token to download the CSV file with the device statusgetObtain file with one day's statistics.getShow inApp schemas list for a given application's idgetReturn the precalculated device status CSV filegetShow statistics for push by devicesgetUpdate categiry with the given application's idputReturn the status of devices listpostDelete device topic associationdeleteDownload .csv with stadistics for push by devicesgetDelete a inAppSchemas with the given application's iddeleteReturns a list of devices by externalIdsgetShow general statistics for the given application's idgetShow device with push errorsgetEdit a set of devices in bulk for the given externalIds or deviceIdsputShow the statistics for the given application's id between two datesgetDownload .csv file with devices push errorsgetEdit a set of devices in bulk for the given externalIds or deviceIdsputGeneral statistics from chats servicegetShow statistics from chat servicegetReturn the information of device listpostShow the statistics for the given application's id between two dates in a .csv filegetReturns statistical data of the applications belonging to an accountgetCreate applicationpostShow an applications listgetShow application with the given idgetUpdate application with the given id.putDelete application with the given iddeleteShow external apps list for the given application's idgetCreate external apps list for the given application idpostUpdate external apps for the given application's idputDelete external apps for the given application iddeleteCreate topics for the given application's idpostUpdate topics for the given application's idputShow topics for the given application's idgetDelete topics for the given application iddeleteCreate areas for the given application's idpostShow areas for the given application's idgetDelete areas for the given application iddeleteUpdate areas for the given application's idputAdd image for the given application's idpostAdd certificates files for the given application's idpostAdd areas from csv for the given application's idpostDelete areas from csv for the given application's iddeleteShow areas for the given application's id in CSV filegetCreate device for Topic with csv for the given application's idpostDownload a CSV file with devices codes and external IdsgetDelete topic devices from csvdeleteShow areas for the given application's idgetStatus and configuration of a chat service associated with an applicationgetSet the configuration of a chat service associated with an applicationputWeekday, weekday and hour push success values of a specific application.getWeekday, weekday and hour push success values of a specific application.postWeekday, weekday and hour push success values of a specific application.postWords success values of a specific application in push notifications.getWords success values of a specific application in any or all channels.getGet external auth data for external login.getCreate external auth.postEdit external auth config.putDelete external authdeleteNumber of devices in each segment of the specified segmentation type for the specified applicationId.getDivides the viewport in a grid of areas and counts the devices insidepostCreate a analitic Web parameterspostShow Google Analitic list for a given campaign's idgetUpdate webAnalytic with the given application's id andputDelete a web analytic with the given webAnalytic's iddeleteCreate a new category to applicationpostShow categories list for a given application's idgetUpdate categiry with the given application's idputDelete a category with the given application's iddeletecampaignCreate a campaign in applicationpostSend the selected campaignpostShow campaign list for a given application's idgetSend the selected campaign targeting all devices that match the filterspostAdd a picture to the given campaign's idpostSend the selected campaign targeting the specified devicespostAdd a wallet file (pkpass) to the given campaign's idpostUpload a video to be used in a campaignpostAdd an icon to the given campaign's idpostSet a list of target devices for campaignpostShow campaign with the given campaign's idgetUpdate campaign with the given campaign's idputDelete a campaign with the given campaign's iddeleteCheck if any of the campaign urls have been previously sentpostShow campaign sendingsgetSend the selected campaign to a specific list of devices (CSV)postShow number of reached devices for campaignpostGives a score for the campaign depending on the text in its title.postGets the application's sendings statsgetGets the application's sendings stats in .csv formatgetShow the statistics for the given campaign's id between two datesgetReturns the statistics associated with a campaigngetReturns the information associated with a specific campaign stats.getList of scheduled sendingsgetExtract meta tags from a given URLpostaccountShow account with featuresgetShow accounts list with her featuresgetShow accounts list with her featuresgetpushSendA/B Testingadd a new A/B testingpostShow A/B testing list for a given application's idgetShow A/B testing with the given test's idgetUpdate A/B testing with the given test's idputDelete a A/B testing with the given test's iddeleteCreate A/B testing to be sentpostShow A/B testing stats with the given test's idgetintegrationList of IngrationsgetCreate a New saleForce UserpostUpdate a salesforce integrationputShow salesforce integration for the given idgetCreate a new Salesforce Service Cloud integrationpostDownload Salesforce Service Cloud certificategetUpdate a Salesforce Service Cloud integrationputShow Salesforce Service Cloud integration for the given idgetCreate a new Hubspot UserpostUpdate a hubspot integrationputShow hubspot integration for the given hubspot account idgetCreate a new Cloud District UserpostUpdate a Cloud District integrationputShow Cloud District integration for the given Cloud District user_idgetCreate a new WordPress UserpostShow wordpress integrationsgetCreate new zapier integrationpostShow integration user for the given zapier integration idgetDelete a user with the given iddeleteinAppCreate a New inApppostget a list of inAppgetUpdate a New inAppputget a inAppgetDelete a inApp with the given inApp's iddeleteSet a list of target devices for inApp campaignpostGet a list of in-app stats by applicationgetShow the inApp statistics for the given application's id between two datesgetShow the inApp statistics for the given application's id between two dates in CSV formatgetDownload the inApp statistics for the given application's id between two dates selected in the console datepickergetAdd a picture to the given inApp campaign's idpostAdd a picture to the given application's idpostShow number of reached devices for inApppostShows the stats of the active inApp Campaign between two dates givengetchatRegister WhatsApp telephone numberpostVerify WhatsApp telephone numberpostRegister an existing WABA in the channel configpostSet conversational automation associated to a WABApostGet conversational automation config associated to a WABAgetCreates a new flow associated to a WABApostGet list flows associated to a WABAgetUpdating Flow's MetadatapostRetrieving Flow DetailsgetDeleting a FlowdeletePublishing a FlowpostDeprecating a FlowpostUpdating a Flow's Flow JSONpostRetrieving a Flow's List of AssetsgetReturns the list of WABAs shared with IndigitallgetCreate a template for a WABApostReturns a templates list for a WABAgetUpload a media element to Meta to use as an example in a template requestpostGet settings for a WABA E-commercegetSet settings for WABA E-commerceputDelete a template for a WABAdeleteGenerate API Key and create the config in database for the this instancepostConfigure the URL of the webhook 360Dialog servicepostCreates multimedia itempostGet a list of all multimedia contentgetReturns a multimedia itemgetEdit an existing multimedia itemputDelete multimedia contentdeleteReturns the content of the multimedia itemgetReturns the content of the multimedia item by id or multimediaCodegetReturns chat websocket service tokengetGet agents status by applicationgetReturns an agent group list from an applicationgetCreate a new agent group associated with an applicationpostEdit an agent group to an applicationputDelete an agent group with an applicationdeleteGet a list of agent valorations.getReturns agent group list from an applicationgetAdds and user to a grouppostRemoves and unser from a group chatdeleteSend message to a userpostSend message to a list of usersd with CSV.postSend message with vars by CSV.postSend a message to all users who have agreed to receive messages.postGet message historygetReturns a list with all channels associated to an instancegetCreate a new channel associated with an instancepostEdit a channels associated to an instanceputDelete a channel associated with an instancedeleteGet all contactsgetContacts bulk updateputContacts bulk createpostCreate contactspostGet the differents contacts sessiongetReturns a list with all integration associated to an instancegetCreate a new integration associated with an instancepostEdit a integration associated to an instanceputDelete a integration associated with an instancedeleteGet proactive messages statsgetGet basic tag stats grouped by date, tagName and tagValue for an instanceIdgetGet proactive messages statsgetGet messages statsgetGet a list of all webhook contentgetCreates webhook itempostReturns a webhook itemgetEdit an existing webhook itemputDelete webhook contentdeleteGet a list of all conversation tagsgetCreates conversation tag itempostEdit an existing conversation tag itemputDelete conversation tagdeleteGet agent statsgetRetrieve conversation list information for a specified agentgetRetrieve conversation list information for a specified agentgetRetrieve a list of contacts associated with a specific agent.getAssign a sticky agent to a conversation sessionputTransfer conversations between sticky agentsputGet a list of all conversation tagsgetCreates conversation tag itempostEdit an existing conversation tag itemputDelete conversation tagdeleteChange profile info in WhatsApp ChannelputGet profile info in WhatsApp ChannelgetChange profile photo in WhatsApp ChannelpostDelete existing profile photo in WhatsApp ChanneldeleteRetrieve existing profile photo in WhatsApp ChannelgetReturns canned message list from an instancegetCreate a new canned message associated with an instancepostEdit a canned message associated to an instanceputDelete a canned message associated with an instancedeleteReturns a list of conversation session blocked in an instancegetBlock a list of conversation sessionspostTransfer media items stored in one instance to anotherpostUnblock a list of conversation sessions from instanceputRetrieve contact information by IDgetRetrieve a summarized conversation history for a contactgetSubscribes a conversation session to specified topics.putUnsubscribes a conversation session from specified topics.putGet sendings listgetCancel a sendingputGet messages of the specified sendinggetReturns the form from an instancegetCreate a new form for an instancepostUpdate a form for an instanceputDelete a form associated with an instancedeleteCreate a new form questionpostUpdate a form question for an instanceputDelete a form questiondeleteCreate a new form question optionpostUpdate a form question optionputDelete a form question optiondeleteGet message historygetEdit an existing application chat configurationputGet an existing instance configuration datagetCreate a new topic for an instancepostGet a topic list for an instancegetUpdate a topic for an instanceputGet a single topicgetDelete a topicdeleteBulk subscribe the contacts of an instance from a CSV file to the specified topicpostBulk unsubscribe the contacts of an instance from a CSV file to the specified topicpostBulk subscribe the contacts of an instance from a JSON to the specified topicpostBulk unsubscribe the contacts of an instance from a JSON to the specified topicpostStatistics by application of accountgetRegister a phone number for use in Cloud APIpostSubscribe WABA notifications to our APPpostGet health status of Cloud API Phone NumbergetMulti Testingadd a new A/B testingpostReturns the multitest and test listgetCheck for multitestpostPrepare and send multitestpostCancel the multitest's sendpostReturns the status of the multitestputReturns the status of the multitestgetdelete the multitestdeleteShow Multi testing stats with the given test's idgetinboxReturns the configuration of the inbox associated with an application.getEdit the inbox settings associated with an application.putrecommenderReturns the most recommended feature for applicationIdgetRequests ICC API to stop recommending a feature for a certain applicationpoststatsReturns the count of devices sent in a given date range.getGet total count of sendingsgetdevicetopicsObtain list with devices codesgetObtain list with devices codespostDelete device topic associationdeletewalletGets all application projectsgetCreates a new projectpostGets one application projectgetDeletes one application projectdeleteUpdate one application projectputCreates or updates new project configuration for appleputDeletes Apple certificate files for one application's iddeleteCreates or updates new project configuration for googleputDeletes google json config files for one application's iddeleteGets stats for one project by its idgetGets the number of passes for a project within a given date range.getGets all templates for one projectgetCreates a new templatepostGets one template by its idgetUpdates a templateputDeletes a templatedeleteUpdates a templateputUpdates a templateputGets stats for one template by its idgetGets one template by its externalIdgetUpdates a templateputDeletes a templatedeleteGets stats for one template by its externalIdgetUpdates a templateputUpdates a templateputAdds an image to the given template's idpostAdds an image to the given template's idpostGets all passes from one template in csv formatgetGets all passesgetCreates a new passpostCreates passes from csvpostGets one pass by its idgetUpdates pass dataputDeletes passdeleteGets stats for one pass by its idgetGets one pass by its idgetUpdates pass dataputDeletes passdeleteGets stats for one pass by its idgetStatistics by application of accountgetCheckCheck the validity of a URLgetsendGets the sending stats by idgetPut the sending state to CancelledputIndigitall Push Secure Sending APInotificationSecurely send a notificationpostSecurely send a notificationpostGets statuses from a notificationsgetGets notification feedgetstatusGets the Server statusgetcampaignSecurely send a notificationpostSecurely send a notificationpostINDIGITALL APIchat-configurationCreate configurationpostGet configurationgetUpdate configurationputDelete configurationdeletechat-channelCreate channelpostGet channelsgetGet channel by IDgetUpdate channelputDelete channeldeletechat-integrationCreate integrationpostGet integrationsgetGet integration by IDgetUpdate integrationputDelete integrationdeletechat-taskGet tasksgetGet task by IDgetchat-campaignCreate campaignpostGet campaignsgetGet campaign by IDgetUpdate campaignputDelete campaigndeleteClone campaignpostchat-sendSend a list of messagespostcustomer-service-adviserReturns the recommendation of a next node using AIpostcustomer-service-customerGet customer informationgetDeletes a customerdeleteGet customer informationgetAssigns or updates values to customer fieldsputDeletes values from customer fieldsdeleteAssigns or updates values to customer fields using CSVputGet customersgetCreates customers with their fieldspostCreates customers with CSVpostAssigns or updates values to customer fieldsputAssigns or updates values to customer fields using CSVputcustomer-service-customer-fieldGet customer fields for one application idgetCreates a customer fieldpostDeletes customer fielddeletecustomer-service-customer-journeyGet all customer journeys from one applicationgetCreates a customer journey entitypostGets one customer journey by idgetUpdates a customer journey entityputDeletes a customer journeydeleteClones a customer journeypostChecks a journeygetCreates a customer journey state entitypostUpdates a customer journey state entityputDeletes a customer journey statedeleteGets the statistics per state for a given journey id.getGets the statistics per state for a given journey id in a csv.getCreates a customer journey from a journey templatepostcustomer-service-customer-journey-templateGet all customer journey templatesgetGets one customer journey template by idgetcustomer-service-customer-journey-controlStarts a journeyputPut a list of customers to a journey that is already runningputPut a list of customers to a journey that is already running from a CSV fileputStops a journey executionputcustomer-service-statsStatistics by application of accountgetcustomer-service-customer-sendSend a comunication to all customerspostSend a comunication to all customerspostSet a list of target devices for campaignpostes-configurationDelete configurationdeleteCreate a new configurationpostGet configuration and domainsgetes-configurationDomainDelete domaindeleteGet domaingetCreate domainpostGet domains listgetes-configurationDomainEmailDelete emaildeleteGet emailgetUpdate emailputCreate emailpostGet emails listgetes-footerDelete footerdeleteGet footergetUpdate footerputCreate FooterpostGet footers listgetes-audienceDelete an audiencedeleteGet an audiencegetUpdate audienceputAdd contacts from a csv file to an audienceputCreate an AudiencepostGet audiences listgetGet audience contacsgetUpdate the contacts list of an audienceputes-contactDelete contactdeleteGet contactgetUpdate contactputCreate ContactpostGet contacts listgetDelete contactdeleteExport contacts in cvsgetImport contacts from cvspostImport contactspostUnsubscribe contacts from csvpostManage contact subscriptionsgetManage contact subscriptionspostes-categoryDelete categorydeleteGet categorygetUpdate categoryputCreate categorypostGet categories listgetes-campaignDelete campaigndeleteGet campaigngetUpdate campaignputCreate campaignpostGet campaigns listgetGet campaign htmlgetCreates a campaign from a templatepostClone an existing email campaign.postGenerate a template from an existing campaignpostGet html-campaign of a campaigngetUpdate html-campaign of a campaignputes-campaign-blockDelete campaign blockdeleteGet campaign blockgetUpdate campaign blockputCreate campaign BlockpostGet campaigns blocks listgetes-campaign block-columnDelete campaign columndeleteGet campaign columngetUpdate campaign columnputCreate campaign columnpostGet campaign columns listgetes-campaign-multimediaGet campaign multimediagetUpload campaign multimediapostDelete campaign multimediadeleteDownload campaign multimediagetes-shipmentGet sending informationgetGet sendings listsgetMassive email sendpostTransactional email sendpostTransactional email send (CSV)postCancel a scheduled shipmentputTransactional email send (audience)postes-attachmentDelete attachmentdeleteGet attachmentgetCreate attachmentpostGet attachments listgetDownload attachmentgetes-statisticsStatistics by applicationgetStatistics by campaignsgetThe count of sent devicesgetGets statistics by sendgetStatistics by campaign idgetShow the statistics for the given application's id between two dates in a .csv filegetShow the statistics for all the campaigns for the given application between two dates in a .csv filegetShow the statistics for device for the given application's id between two dates in a .csv filegetStatistics by application of accountgetes-webhookReconfigure webhooks in a sub-accountputinapp-configurationGet specific application informationgetConfigure an application in inapp-serviceputinapp-campaignCreate a New inApppostGet a list of inApp campaignsgetUpdate an existing inApp campaignputGet an inApp campaigngetDelete a inApp campaign with the given iddeleteSet a list of target devices for inApp campaignputRemove the list of target devices from inApp campaigndeleteinapp-schemaCreate a new inApp SchemapostShow inApp schemas list for a given application's idgetUpdate categiry with the given application's idputDelete a inAppSchemas with the given application's iddeleteinapp-topicCreate a new topicpostReturns a list of topics associated with an applicationgetUpdate a topicsputinapp-multimediaUpload a new multimedia itempostGet list of multimedia elementsgetDelete a multimedia itemdeleteinapp-formGet Form in csvgetGet Form in jsongetinapp-statsStats by campaigngetCSV campaigns's statsgetStats by applicationgetCSV application's statsgetCSV devices's statsgetThe count of campaigns with stats between two daysgetStatistics by application of accountgetinapp-audienceCreate an audiencepostGet application's audiencesgetGet an audiencegetUpdate audienceputDelete an audiencedeleteUpdate the contact list of an audienceputAdd contacts from a csv file to an audienceputReset cache of an audiencepostinapp-taskGet application's tasksgetGet a taskgetsms-campaignGet campaign listgetCreates campaignpostGet a single campaigngetUpdates a campaignputDeletes a campaigndeletesms-configurationCreates new configurationpostGet the configuration of an applicationgetUpdates a configurationputDeletes a configurationdeleteUnblock configurationputsms-contactGet contact listgetCreates new contactpostGet a single contactgetUpdates a contactputDeletes a contactdeleteExport the contacts to CSVgetImport contacts from a JSONpostImport contacts from a CSVpostContact Unsubscription formgetContact Unsubscriptionpostsms-sendGet application's sending listgetGet a single sendinggetTransactional campaign sendpostTransactional campaign send (CSV)postMassive campaign sendpostCancel a scheduled sendingpostsms-statsStats by campaigngetStats by campaigngetShow the statistics for all the campaigns in CSV formatgetDevices sent count.getStats by applicationgetGet cost stats by applicationgetShow the statistics for the given application id between two dates in a .csv filegetShow the statistics for device for the given application's id between two dates in a .csv filegetCost statistics by applicationgetStatistics by application of accountgetsms-topicGet topic listgetCreates new topicpostGet a single topicgetUpdates a topicputDeletes a topicdeleteBulk topic subscription via CSVpostBulk topic unsubscription via CSVpostsms-costObtains a list of unit prices stored in DBgetCreates new unit costpostUpdate an existing unit costputDelete a unit costdeleteSimulate sending costpostRegenerates cost statistics within a date rangeputCreate unit costs from a CSV filepostReturns a dictionary of prices and rates that will be applied for each countryCodegetwallet-projectCreate a projectpostSet project configuration for GoogleputDeletes the configuration for Google Wallet.deleteSet project configuration for AppleputDeletes the configuration for Apple Wallet.deleteVerifies that the provided certificate matches the current Apple Wallet pass issuer.putGet a projectgetDelete a projectdeleteUpdate a projectputwallet-imagesUploads images for a project.putUploads images for a template.putwallet-tasksGet tasksgetCancel a taskputwallet-notificationsNotify a list of passes by IDputNotify all the passes of a specific templateputNotify passes in transactional mode.putwallet-loyalty-passCreate a passpostGet all passesgetCreate passes through CSVpostGet a passgetUpdate a passputDelete a passdeleteGet a passgetwallet-loyalty-templateCreate a loyalty templatepostGet all templatesgetGet a templategetUpdate a loyalty templateputDelete a templatedeleteGets all passes from one template in csv formatgetSync template passes' integrationsputwallet-offer-passCreate a passpostGet all passesgetCreate passes through CSVpostGet a passgetUpdate a passputDelete a passdeleteGet a passgetwallet-offer-templateCreate a offer templatepostGet all templatesgetGet a templategetUpdate a offer templateputDelete a templatedeleteGets all passes from one template in csv formatgetSync template passes' integrationsputwallet-generic-passCreate a passpostGet all passesgetCreate passes through CSVpostGet a passgetUpdate a passputDelete a passdeleteGet a passgetwallet-generic-templateCreate a generic templatepostGet all templatesgetGet a templategetUpdate a generic templateputDelete a templatedeleteGets all passes from one template in csv formatgetSync template passes' integrationsputicc-chatgen-gateway-agentCreate a new chat agentpostRetrieve all chat agentsgetUpdate an existing chat agentputDelete an existing chat agentdeleteicc-chatgen-gateway-api-toolCreate an API tool for an applicationpostRetrieve an api tool by its IDgetUpdate an existing api tool by its IDputDelete an api tool by its IDdeleteicc-chatgen-gateway-configured-custom-toolCreate configured configured custom tool for a specific applicationpostRetrieve a configured custom tool by its IDgetUpdate a configured custom tool by its IDputDelete a configured configured custom tool by its IDdeleteicc-chatgen-gateway-conversationSend a message to a chatgen agentposticc-chatgen-gateway-custom-toolRetrieve custom tool by its IDgeticc-chatgen-gateway-documentCreate a new document sourcepostRetrieve document sources for a specific agentgetDelete a specific document by IDdeleteUpdate a specific document source for an agentputUpdate the refresh interval for a specific documentputRefresh document data for a specific agent and documentgeticc-chatgen-gateway-fileUpload files to the serverpostRetrieve files for an agentgeticc-chatgen-gateway-instance-configCreate a new instance configurationpostRetrieve an instance configuration by its IDgetUpdate an instance configuration by its IDputDelete an instance configuration by IDdeleteicc-chatgen-gateway-router-agent-toolCreate a new Router Agent ToolpostRetrieve a router agent tool by its IDgetUpdate a router agent tools by its IDputDelete a router agent tools by its IDdeleteicc-chatgen-gateway-router-agentCreate a new router agentpostRetrieve a router agent by its IDgetUpdate an existing router agentputDelete a router agent by its IDdeletestats-service-reportCreate report configuration for an applicationpostRetrieve report configuration for a specific applicationgetUpdate report configuration for a specific applicationputDelete a report configuration by application IDdeleteReturns service statistics by applicationgetstats-service-walletWallet application date statsgetWallet application date stats in CSV format.getWallet template date statsgetWallet template date stats in CSV format.getai-generator-campaignGet info of ai assistant service for generate campaignspostGet recommendations from the Ai Assistant API for campaigns.postProvides enhancements to the title and body text of a campaign.postEnhances the title and body text of a campaign through translation.postEnhances campaign title and body text through proofreading.postEnhance Campaign Voice Tone.postmeta-cloudapiInitiate onboarding processpostSubscribe to webhooks into our appspostSend a message via Meta Cloud APIpostUpload media to Meta Cloud APIpostRetrieve media by IDgetDelete media by IDdeleteDownload WhatsApp Business mediagetmeta-configurationInitializes an application in meta-service.postGet specific application configurationgetUpdate configuration for an applicationputMigration config from chat-servicepostmeta-webhookAdd a new webhookpostList all webhooks for an applicationgetRetrieve a specific webhookgetUpdate a specific webhookputDelete a specific webhookdeletemeta-businessList Shared WABAsgetList Phone Numbers of a WABAgetpush-live-configurationInitializes an application in push-live-service.postGet specific application configurationgetUpdate configuration for an applicationputpush-live-activityInitiate massive Live Activity BroadcastpostGet specific live activitygetUpdate Live Activity ParametersputDelete specific live activitydeleteEnd specific live activitypostList all Live Activities for an applicationgetStatusGets the service statusgetChecks the service statusgetstats-service-csDownload statistics as a ZIP file for a given application's ID and date rangegetchat-statusChecks the service statusgetcustomer-service-internalInternal function. Check for anomalies on reentry to a journeypostPowered by Create a new category to applicationpost https://api.indigitall.com/v1/application/{id}/categoryCreate a new category for a specific application.