
In order to start using any of our SDK methods, the first thing you need to do is to initialize our SDK.

To initialize it, after loading the library in your web site you must execute the following method:

    urlDeviceApi: '',
    appKey: 'b96ecdad-6246-4864-922c-3294ab5692de', //remember to use your real appKey
    disabledPushService: true //in case you do not use our webPush notification service on your website

Once the customer is linked, the customer's id can be requested as follows:

indigitall.getCustomer((success) => {
      // do something
    }, (error) => {
      // do something else

And the customer's information about its fields as follows:

indigitall.getCustomerInformation((success) => {
      // do something
    }, (error) => {
      // do something else